Samstag, 30. Juni 2012

Joy and happiness in life

On wednesday I wenn to a lecture on leasure and entertainment in the 18th century. Michael North from the University of Greifswald, who also published books and essays on the German economic history and on the culture of games during enlightenment, had his speech centered on northern Germany, especially Hamburg and Berlin and their elites during the 18th century.
Many facts I already knew. For example the influences from Italy, France and England. But the role model in everything concerning entertainment, music, balls, theatre and what we today know as leasure time, were the Dutch. Well, in Northern Germany that is. But it isn't surprising, is it!?
Games were not yet seen as something bad and therefore forbidden. So L'ombre and Tric Trac were played a great deal, which can be seen in the households inventories of that time.
The musical entertainment business as we know it from England or rather London was merely unfolding to become professionally organized and commercialized.
I recommend one of his books, though I don't know if there is an English version available: Joy and hapiness in life. Cultural consumerisn during the Enlightenment, Cologne 2003. 26,90€
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Freitag, 29. Juni 2012

technically independent

To days ago, I got myself a new smartphone. I decided for one with a
full keyboard and the usual smart software. I'm glad I discarded my
touchscreen phone, they are highly overrated for my taste. Now I can
write my blogposts in quickoffice, synchronize them with my netbook or
email the posts right away to my blog (like this post). Is there a
mobile windows live writer? If there is, I'll get it! Anyway, now I
hope to post more regularly. There is so much going on right now at

Hope to see you soon at the manor!
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Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012

News on the 'Dunkelgräfin'

Hildburghausens city council has allowed the disinterment of the Dunkelgräfins body. The mysterious lady who appeared in the small German town in 1807 is believed to have been Marie Antoinettes daughter Madame Royal. A modern DNA-test shall reveal, if it was really the princess, who lived at Castle Eishausen until her death in 1837. - A new documentary on MDR will exclusively show the results of the analyses and report on the mystery of the Dunkelgräfin.

More information here: - a great website with tons of research.
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The Vindication of a Witch

Colognes city council is debating about the vindication of a burnt witch 385 years ago. Since her trial in 1627, Katharina Henot, a postmasters daughter, even as a patrician woman, was convicted as witch and burnt according to the Constitutio Criminalis Carolina (1532) and seen as an obdurate sinner.
In 2012 council and church see her case differently and want to dissociate themselves from these verdicts, as do 14 other municipalities in Germany.
The woman in question, a Catholic, has already been honoured in many ways. A school and a street in Cologne bear her name and her sculpture can be seen at the townhall next to one of Friedrich Spee, a Jesuit and one of the most famous fighters against the obsessive belief in witches.
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Samstag, 23. Juni 2012

Elizabeth I. and J.J. Rousseau

Tonight on Arte and the upcoming week on Arte+7 you can watch documentaries on Elizabeth I. and Jean Jacques Rousseau. I'm quite excited about the second one and look forward to hopefully many custumed scenes ;-D


Btw, the 1995 version of BBCs Pride and Prejudice was broadcasted this and last week. But I haven't watched the German dub version; got the DVD anyway... And who would like to hear Colin Firth speaking in German!? Ugh! *Love the Original*

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Freitag, 8. Juni 2012

An endless resource

The World Wide Web seems to offer an endless resource on Frederic the Great. On Project Gutenberg you can download a 22 volume History of Frederic II of Prussia by Thomas Carlyle.
This author, famous himself, is also one of my favourites. There is an online archive with all the Carlyle Letters and of course tons of other information making one quite addicted to him and his work!
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The King's letters

The Library of the University of Trier offers free access to digital copies of Frederic the Great's letters. They are available in German and French.
Check out this website!

The letters were originally published in the 1840s and 50s by Johann Preuss. Momentarily I don't know, if they are available on Gutenberg or any other free archive as well... but let me know, if you find anything...

PS: Another great resource is the website for D'Alembert's letters!
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Anna Wilhelmine of Anhalt-Dessau and her summer palace

During the festival Anhalt 800 we visited the Castle Mosigkau, a Rococo manor built for Leopold I.'s daughter Anna Wilhelmine. It is a wonderful little palace and I will use parts of it for Leyland. More on Anna Wilhelmine you can find in this wikipedia article, a translation of the original German article. More on Mosigkau you can find on its website. You can visit Anna's summer residence online!

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Rococo dresses on ebay

On ebay Germany a seller from Hamburg currently offers beautiful dresses from different eras, one from the 18th century. A golden Polonaise from around 1770. Unfortunately not my size... :-(

I copied a photo, rights belong to the seller, of course. Look here:

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