Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

Playing away the time in the 18th Century

Another exhibtion held on the state initiative "Saxony-Anhalt and the 18th century" is located in the Schachmuseum Ströbeck (Chess Museum Ströbeck).

Until the end of April 2011 the exhibition shows how society has viewed itself through the everyday practice of playing games.

The playing child was not noticed until beginning of the century. Any permitted game before was preparing for social life and such demands. Only with the development of education, the natural picture of the child was noticed, which included the right to free, casual playing.

Schachmuseum Ströbeck
Adress: Platz am Schachspiel 97
38822 Halberstadt
Ortsteil Schachdorf Ströbeck Telefon: 039427 99850
Fax: 039427 96473
Di, Mi, Fr 10-12 und 13-16 Uhr Do
13-18 Uhr Sa 14-17 Uhr So 10-12 Uhr
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The ideal Woman - fascinating biographies from the 18th Century

The Metropolitan Museum Quedlinburg (Germany) presents, for already two years now, an exhibition of a most interesting topic: "The ideal woman-the dramatic 18th century in the history of the free-secular aristocratic townQuedlinburg ".

The exhibition is held on the occasion of the state initiative "Saxony-Anhalt and the 18th century". The topic offers the possibility of a very fascinating time period in the history of the Quedlinburg Free-worldly ladies at original sites.. The exhibition shows the Fate of women who have had to face the cultural and social realities and expectations of that time. The diversity of the personalities involved makes a fascinating kaleidoscope of private and official life plans of aristocratic women. Despite their legal freedom they had to cope with the constraints of their time.

Three women are the main characters of this exhibition:
  • Aurora von Königsmarck, * 1662, + 1728
    Pröpstin des Damenstiftes Quedlinburg von 1704 bis 1728
  • Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia, * 1723, + 1787
    38. Äbtissin des Damenstiftes Quedlinburg von 1756 bis 1787
  • Sophie Albertine, Princess of Sweden, * 1753, + 1829 (right)
    39. Äbtissin des Damenstiftes Quedlinburg von 1787 bis 1802/03

The exhibition will be open until the end of this year!
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Book: The Everday Life of Princess Louise of Anhalt-Dessau

Another volume just published by the "Saxony Anhalt and the 18th century" - exhibitions is about the everyday life of Princess Louise of Anhalt-Dessau. It contains her diaries from 1756 to 1805 and was edited by Friedrich Mathisson.

ISBN: 978-3-422-06998-5

Verlag: Deutscher Kunstbuchverlag
Ort: Berlin
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2010
Autor: Kulturstiftung DessauWörlitz (Hg.)

The Princess Louise Henriette Wilhelmine of Anhalt-Dessau (1750-1811), wife of Leopold III. of Anhalt-Dessau, kept a diary from her childhood until her death. However, not all records have survived, as Louise destroyed complete volumes, especially from the period of her early  marital crisis. But before the destruction she made summaries of them and had her private secretary, Friedrich Matthisson, write them down.

 * 24,90€
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Book: The Everyday World in the 18th Century

The state initiative "Saxony Anhalt and the 18th century" has published a book accompanying the exhibtions of the year 2008/09 about the everyday life in the 18th century.

ISBN: 978-3898127172

Verlag: Mitteldeutscher Verlag
Ort: Halle (Saale)
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2010
Autor: Simone Bliemeister, Katrin Dziekan (Hg.)

- Money and Economy
- Food
- Travelling and Education
- Fashion
- Parties and Games

A book that shows how exciting life was, & its roots in our nowadays life.(Saxony-Anhalt and the 18th century, vol 5)

     * 304 pages with numerous colour illustrations
     * hardcover
     * 25, -
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Book: Women in the 18th Century

Last year this book about women in the 18th century was published by the state initiative "Saxony-Anhalt and the 18th century", based on the exhibitions in 2008/09.

ISBN: 9783898126489

Verlag: Mitteldeutscher Verlag
Ort: Halle (Saale)
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2009
Autor: Thomas Weiss (Hg.) unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Pfeifer und Katrin Dziekan


The 18th Century was regarded as the "Century of Women". For the first time they stepped outof the shadows of their husbands. This volume of the "Saxony-Anhalt and the 18th Century" series presents life in pictures and comprehensive contributions with respect to the rich diversity of museums in Saxony-Anhalt, about female artists, scholars, nobles, citizens & women farmers.

(Sachsen-Anhalt & the 18. Century; Vol. 4)
  • 366 pages with numerous coloured illustrations
  • Hardcover
  • 25,- €
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